Ahora lo tenemos que editar el vídeo un poco y poner los subtitulos.
Los subtitulos los va a poner Angie Lorena una del grupo, el vídeo lo va a editar Julio y Estefania y yo (Marina), vamos a colgar vídeos y entradas para que no os aburráis.
Bueno ya volveré a colgar otra entrada. Os dejo esta letra de la canción de William the Conqueror:
I'm William the Conqueror,
Britain's first Norman king
I found renown and won my crown
at the battle of Hastings
In September of 1066
I crossed the sea from France
The weather had improved somewhat
and it seemed I had a chance
An arrow sealed Harold's fate
and I rode to London town
On Christmas day at Westminster
I finally wore the crown
I wasn't kind to enemies,
made barons of my friends
I ruled the land with iron hand,
until my final end
at the battle of Hastings
at the battle of Hastings
at the battle of Hastings
at the battle of Hastings
¿Os ha gustado?
Espero que si.
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